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Electron scattering and Meson exchange currents
Juan Nieves (Valencia, Spain) [email protected]
Steve Manly (Rochester, USA) [email protected]
Toru Sato (Osaka, Japan) [email protected]

CC and NC quasi-elastic scattering
Kendall Mahn (Triumf, Canada) [email protected]
Luis Alvarez Ruso (Valencia, Spain) [email protected]
Laura Fields (Northwestern, USA) [email protected]

Pion production and other inelastic processes
Michel Sorel (Valencia, Spain) sorel@fna
Shri Singh (Srinagar, India) [email protected]
Steve Dytman (Pittsburgh, USA) [email protected]

Deep and shallow inelastic scattering, quark hadron duality
Shunzo Kumano (KEK, japan) [email protected]
Heather Ray (USA) [email protected]
Alberto Gago (PUC-Lima, Peru) [email protected]

Systematic effects on CP violation measurements
Tsuyoshi Nakaya (Kyoto, Japan) [email protected]
Hiroshi Nunokawa (PUC-Rio, Brazil) [email protected]
Mary Bishai (FNAL, USA) [email protected]
Paul Soler (Glasgow, UK) [email protected]

Confronting theory and experiments, event simulators
Jan Sobczyk (Wroclaw, Poland) [email protected]
Yoshinari Hayato (Kamioka obs. Tokyo, japan) [email protected]
Renata Zukanovich (USP, Brazil) [email protected]
Hugh Gallagher (Tufts, USA) [email protected]

Very low energy neutrino interactions
Flavio Cavanna (L'Aquila,Italy) [email protected]
Toshio Suzuki (Nihon, Japan) [email protected]
Kate Scholberg (Duke, USA) [email protected]

Future experiments
Steven Boyd (Warwick, UK) [email protected]
Masashi Yokoyama (Tokyo, Japan) [email protected]
Bonnie Fleming (Yale, USA) [email protected]
Morgan Wascko (Imperial College London, UK) [email protected]

Path forward and future prospects
Ulrich Mosel (Giessen, Germany) [email protected]
  Geralyn Zeller (FERMILAB, USA) [email protected]
Xavier Bertou (CNEA/CONICET, Argentina) [email protected]

Poster session
Makoto Sakuda (Okayama, Japan) [email protected]
Mike Kordosky (William and Mary, USA) [email protected]