This meeting will take place at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and on zoom.
The purpose of this HEP-CCE collaboration meeting is to:
Carry out a self-assessment of where we are at this point as a project (roughly two and a half years after the start of the planned activities) for PPS, IOS and EG
Plan in detail area activities until the end of the current funding cycle (FY23), keeping in mind possible activities beyond FY23. Our FY23 Planning document will be the starting point for the detailed planning
Amit Bashyal
(Argonne National Lab), Peter van Gemmeren
(ANL), Rui Wang
(ANL), Saba Sehrish
(Fermilab), Shane Snyder
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Darshan tool developments
Darshan profiles for ATLAS, CMS, DUNE workflows
Future work
Kenneth Herner
(Fermilab), Patrick Gartung
(Fermilib), Rui Wang
(Argonne national laboratory), Rui Wang
(ANL), Shane Snyder
(Argonne National Laboratory)