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31 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Non-perturbative RG $\beta$-function of 8-flavor SU(3) gauge theory

31 Jul 2023, 14:10
Conjectorium (WH3NE)




Curtis Peterson (University of Colorado Boulder)


Symmetric mass generation (SMG) is a new mechanism that leads to massive bound states without spontaneous symmetry breaking. An SMG phase could lead to a resolution of the chiral fermion problem on the lattice. Expectations from 't Hooft anomaly cancellation, combined with recent finite-size scaling results, indicate that the SU(3) gauge-fermion system with two sets of staggered fermions could support the existence of an SMG phase that is accessed by crossing a Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT)-like phase transition from weak to strong coupling. In this talk, we explore the $\beta$-function of this system. Using the gradient-flow-based "continuous $\beta$-function method'', our preliminary result for the continuum-extrapolated RG $\beta$-function shows signatures that are consistent with the development of a conformal fixed point.

Topical area Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model

Primary author

Curtis Peterson (University of Colorado Boulder)


Anna Hasenfratz (university of colorado boulder)

Presentation materials