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31 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Meson-meson scattering in $N_\mathrm{f}=4$ QCD

31 Jul 2023, 14:50
Curia II (WH2SW)

Curia II



Jorge Baeza-Ballesteros (University of Valencia/IFIC)


In this talk, we present preliminary results on $\pi\pi$ and $\rho\rho$ coupled-channel scattering with 4 degenerate light quark flavors. We focus on different scattering channels, two of which are attractive and possess the same quantum numbers as the two $X_{0,1}(2900)$ tetraquark candidates recently discovered at LHCb. Using Luscher's formalism, we investigate these resonances in the scattering amplitude. We will also discuss some ongoing study on the large $N_\mathrm{c}$ scaling of these scattering processes, which may shed light on the nature of such exotic states.

Topical area Hadronic and Nuclear Spectrum and Interactions

Primary author

Jorge Baeza-Ballesteros (University of Valencia/IFIC)


Pilar Hernandez (University of Valencia) Fernando Romero-López (MIT)

Presentation materials