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31 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Hidden Conformal Symmetry from the Lattice

3 Aug 2023, 13:50
Conjectorium (WH3NE)




James Ingoldby (ICTP (Trieste))


We present an analysis of newly expanded and refined data from lattice studies of the SU(3) gauge theory with $N_f=8$ light Dirac fermions, a theory which lies close to the boundary of the conformal window. We first assume that this theory is just outside the conformal window and identify a light unflavored scalar meson in this case as an approximate dilaton. We show fits of the lattice data to a dilaton effective field theory and demonstrate that it yields a good fit even at lowest order. Our fit incorporates new data for a scalar decay constant $F_S$. For comparison, we then assume that the theory is inside the conformal window. In this case, the fermion mass provides a deformation, triggering confinement. We employ simple scaling laws to fit the lattice data, but find that it is of lesser quality.

Topical area Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model

Primary authors

Dr Andy Gasbarro Anna Hasenfratz (university of colorado boulder) Claudio Rebbi (Boston University) David Schaich (Liverpool) Enrico Rinaldi (RIKEN BNL Research Center) Ethan Neil (University of Colorado, Boulder) Evan Weinberg (NVIDIA Corporation) George Fleming (Fermilab) James Ingoldby (ICTP (Trieste)) James Osborn (ANL) Kimmy Cushman Oliver Witzel (Universität Siegen) Pavlos Vranas (Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Richard C. Brower (Boston University) Prof. Thomas Appelquist (Yale U) Xiaoyong Jin (ANL)

Presentation materials