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31 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Why magnetic monopole becomes dyon in topological insulators

3 Aug 2023, 17:40
Sunrise (WH11NE)



Parallel Talk Theoretical Developments


Naoto Kan (Osaka University)


The Witten effect predicts that a magnetic monopole acquires a fractional electric charge inside topological insulators. In this work, we give a microscopic description of this phenomenon, as well as an analogous two-dimensional system with a vortex. We solve the Dirac equation of electron field both analytically in continuum and numerically on a lattice, by adding the Wilson term and smearing the gauge field within a finite range to regularize the short-distance behavior of the system. Our results reveal that the Wilson term induces a strong positive mass shift, creating a domain-wall around the monopole/vortex. This small, yet finite-sized domain-wall localizes the chiral zero modes and ensures their stability through the Atiyah-Singer index theorem, whose cobordism invariance is crucial in explaining why the electric charge is fractional.

Topical area Theoretical Developments

Primary author

Naoto Kan (Osaka University)


Shoto Aoki (Osaka University) Hidenori Fukaya (Osaka Univ.) Mikito Koshino (Osaka University) Yoshiyuki Matsuki (Osaka University)

Presentation materials