31 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Applying the Worldvolume Hybrid Monte Carlo method to the complex $\phi^4$ theory at finite density

1 Aug 2023, 16:40
Comitium (WH2SE)



Parallel Talk QCD at Non-zero Density


Yusuke Namekawa (Hiroshima University)


The sign problem has been an obstacle to first-principles calculations based on the Monte Carlo method. The Worldvolume Hybrid Monte Carlo (WV-HMC) method [Fukuma-Matsumoto 2020] is an efficient method to reduce the sign problem with low cost. In this talk, I apply the WV-HMC to the complex $\phi^4$ theory at finite density, and show that the computational cost is proportional to the degrees of freedom, $N$, in contrast to the $N^3$ scaling for other Lefschetz thimble methods.

Topical area QCD at Non-zero Density

Primary authors

Masafumi Fukuma (Kyoto University) Yusuke Namekawa (Hiroshima University)

Presentation materials