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31 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
America/Chicago timezone

The phase diagram at finite baryon and isospin densities at strong coupling

31 Jul 2023, 16:00
Sunrise (WH11NE)



Parallel Talk QCD at Non-zero Density


Wolfgang Unger (Bielefeld University)


The Hamiltonian formulation of lattice QCD with staggered fermions in the strong coupling limit can be extended to 2 flavors. It has no sign problem at non-zero baryon density and isospin densities and allows for Quantum Monte Carlo simulations. We have implemented a Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm to measure the baryon and isospin densities in the $\mu_B$ - $\mu_I$ plane in the chiral limit. We also comment on the possibility to carry out corresponding simulations on a quantum computer.

Topical area QCD at Non-zero Density

Primary author

Wolfgang Unger (Bielefeld University)

Presentation materials