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31 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
America/Chicago timezone

NSPT for O(N) non-linear sigma model: the larger N the better

4 Aug 2023, 10:00
Theory (WH3NW)



Parallel Talk Theoretical Developments


Paolo Baglioni (University of Parma - INFN)


The $O(N)$-Nonlinear Sigma Model (NLSM) is an example of field theory on a target space with non-trivial geometry. One interesting feature of NLSM is asymptotic freedom, which makes perturbative calculations interesting.
Given the successes in Lattice Gauge Theories, Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory (NSPT) is a natural candidate for performing high order computations also in the case of NLSM. However, in low-dimensional systems NSPT is known to display statistical fluctuations substantially increasing for increasing orders. In this presentation, we explore how for $O(N)$ this behaviour is strongly dependent on $N$. As largely expected on general grounds, the larger is $N$, the larger is the order at which a NSPT computation can be effectively performed.

Topical area Theoretical Developments

Primary authors

Francesco Di Renzo (University of Parma and INFN) Paolo Baglioni (University of Parma - INFN)

Presentation materials