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Symmetric mass generation in lattice gauge theory

1 Aug 2023, 17:00
Conjectorium (WH3NE)




Simon Catterall (syracuse university)


We present results from simulations of a spin(4) lattice gauge theory in four
dimensions containing a single flavor of massless reduced staggered fermion. This model does not
allow for single site gauge invariant bilinear fermion terms and instead
we show that it develops a four fermion condensate in the confining regime. The absence of symmetry breaking is consistent with the cancellation of a 't Hooft anomaly corresponding to a discrete $Z_4$ symmetry.
If the spin(4) symmetry is extended to SU(4) we argue that in the naive continuum limit the model contains the matter representations and global symmetries
of the Pati-Salam GUT model in which we can embed a single family of the Standard

Topical area Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model

Primary author

Simon Catterall (syracuse university)


Mr Goksu Can Toga (Syracuse University) Dr Nouman Butt (UIUC)

Presentation materials