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31 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
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Fixed point actions from convolutional neural networks

31 Jul 2023, 14:50
Ramsey Auditorium

Ramsey Auditorium


Urs Wenger (University of Bern)


Lattice gauge-equivariant convolutional neural networks (LGE-CNNs) can be used to form arbitrarily shaped Wilson loops and can approximate any gauge-covariant or gauge-invariant function on the lattice. Here we use LGE-CNNs to describe fixed point (FP) actions which are based on inverse renormalization group transformations. FP actions are classically perfect, i.e., they have no lattice artefacts on classical gauge-field configurations satisfying the equations of motion, and therefore possess scale invariant instanton solutions. FP actions are tree–level Symanzik–improved to all orders in the lattice spacing and can produce physical predictions with very small lattice artefacts even on coarse lattices. They may therefore provide a solution to circumvent critical slowing down towards the continuum limit.

Topical area Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence

Primary author

Urs Wenger (University of Bern)


Kieran Holland (University of the Pacific) Andreas Ipp (TU Wien) David I. Müller (TU Wien)

Presentation materials