31 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Complex potential at finite temperature in 2+1 flavor QCD

31 Jul 2023, 14:10
Sunrise (WH11NE)




Peter Petreczky (Brookhaven National Lab)


We present calculations of the complex potential at non-zero temperature in 2+1 flavor QCD.
The complex potential is obtained from spectral reconstruction of the Wilson line correlators
at non-zero temperature calculated on the lattice. The calculations are performed using the HISQ
action at three lattice spacings, a=0.028 fm, a=0.04 fm and a=0.049 fm for temperatures in the range
130 MeV - 352 MeV. Quite surprisingly, we find that the real part of the potential is not
screened and is approximately equal to the zero temperature potential, while the imaginary
part of the potential increases with the temperature and distance between the static quarks.

Topical area QCD at Non-zero Temperature

Primary authors

Alexander Rothkopf (University of Stavanger) Alexei Bazavov (Michigan State University) Peter Petreczky (Brookhaven National Lab) Johannes Heinrich Weber (Humboldt University of Berlin) Olaf Kaczmarek (Bielefeld University) Rasmus Larsen (University of Stavanger) Swagato Mukherjee (BNL)

Presentation materials