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Hybrid static potentials from Laplacian eigenmodes

3 Aug 2023, 16:40
Curia II (WH2SW)

Curia II



Roman Höllwieser (University of Wuppertal)


We present a method for computing hybrid static quark-antiquark potentials in lattice QCD based on Laplace trial states. They are formed by eigenvector components of the covariant lattice Laplace operator and their covariant derivatives. The new method does not need complicated gauge link paths between the static quarks and makes off-axis separations easily accessible. We show first results for $\Sigma$ and $\Pi_{u/g}$ together with their excited states on quenched and dynamical ensembles.

Topical area Hadronic and Nuclear Spectrum and Interactions

Primary authors

Francesco Knechtli (University of Wuppertal) Roman Höllwieser (University of Wuppertal) Juan Andres Urrea Nino (University of Wuppertal) Michael Peardon (Trinity College Dublin) Tomasz Korzec (University of Wuppertal)

Presentation materials