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31 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Confining Strings as Integrable Spin Chains in Large N Lattice Yang-Mills Theory

2 Aug 2023, 09:40
Theory (WH3NW)



Parallel Talk Theoretical Developments


Hiroki Kawai (University of California Santa Barbara)


We present a novel approach to construct effective descriptions of a confining string. We consider a string pinned with heavy quark-antiquark endpoints on the lattice Yang-Mills theory (Kogut-Susskind Hamiltonian) as background with $SU(N_c)$ gauge symmetry with large $N_c$. Our approach describes the dynamics of the confining string as two different spin chains, which are both integrable. In the talk, I will demonstrate it in 2+1-D as the simplest example, but it is also applicable for gauge theories in higher dimensions.

Topical area Theoretical Developments

Primary authors

Hiroki Kawai (University of California Santa Barbara) David Berenstein (UCSB)

Presentation materials