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31 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
America/Chicago timezone

SU(4) Stealth Dark Matter Baryons using LapH

3 Aug 2023, 14:30
Conjectorium (WH3NE)




Kimmy Cushman (Yale University)


The LSD collaboration is studying Stealth Dark Matter, an SU(4) gauge theory, whose ground state spin-0 baryon is the dark matter candidate. We are investigating Stealth Dark Matter with two fermions in the fundamental representation using the quenched approximation. I will discuss our baryon operator construction using LapH and lattice octahedral group irreps. Then I will present the latest results of the meson and baryon spectrum.

Topical area Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model

Primary author

Kimmy Cushman (Yale University)

Presentation materials