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31 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Fuzzy Qubitization of Gauge Theories

1 Aug 2023, 14:50
Comitium (WH2SE)




Andrea Carosso (University of Colorado, Boulder)


Formulating bosonic field theories for quantum simulation is a subtle task. Ideally, one wants the smallest truncation of the bosonic Hilbert space that simultaneously exhibits a high degree of universality. But many of the most straight-forward truncations probably do not exhibit much universality. Meanwhile, recent work on the so-called "fuzzy" sigma model has shown promise as a very efficient qubitization of the 1+1d sigma model, with only a 4-dimensional 1-site Hilbert space. In this talk we discuss the generalization of the fuzzy strategy to non-abelian gauge theories. We argue that a promising gauge theory can be constructed based on the Orland-Rohrlich gauge magnet, and we contrast this "fuzzy" gauge theory with the traditional Laplacian truncation strategy.

Topical area Quantum Computing and Quantum Information

Primary authors

Andrea Carosso (University of Colorado, Boulder) Andrei Alexandru (George Washington University, University of Maryland) Andy Sheng (University of Maryland College Park) Edison Murairi (The George Washington University) Michael Cervia Paulo Bedaque (University of Maryland)

Presentation materials