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31 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Generalized Hall current on a finite lattice

2 Aug 2023, 10:20
Theory (WH3NW)



Parallel Talk Theoretical Developments


Semeon Valgushev (Iowa State University)


Gapped fermion theories with gapless boundary fermions can exist in any number of dimensions.
When the boundary has even space-time dimensions and hosts chiral fermions, a quantum Hall current
flows from the bulk to the boundary in a background electric field. This current compensate for the
boundary chiral anomaly. Such a current inflow picture is absent when the boundary theory is odd
dimensional. However, in recent work, the idea of quantum Hall current has been generalized to
describe odd dimensional boundary theories in continuous Euclidean space-time dimension of infinite
volume. In this talk we extend this idea to a lattice regulated finite volume theory of 1+1 dimensional
Wilson-Dirac fermions. This fermion theory with a domain wall in fermion mass can host gapless
modes on the wall. The number of gapless fermions is equal to the integral of the divergence of the
lattice generalized Hall current.

Topical area Theoretical Developments

Primary authors

Semeon Valgushev (Iowa State University) Sen Srimoyee (Iowa State University)

Presentation materials