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Streamlined data analysis in Python

1 Aug 2023, 19:51
Atrium (WH1)



Poster Presentation Poster session


David Clarke (University of Utah)


Python is a particularly appealing language to carry out data analysis, owing in part to its user-friendly character as well as its access to well maintained and powerful libraries like NumPy and SciPy. Still, for the purpose of analyzing data in a lattice QCD context, some desirable functionality is missing from these libraries. Moreover, scripting languages tend to be slower than compiled ones. To help address these points we present the LatticeToolbox, a collection of Python modules to facilitate lattice QCD data analysis. Some highlighted features include general-purpose jackknife and bootstrap routines; modules for reading in and storing gauge configurations; a module to carry out hadron resonance gas model calculations; and convenience wrappers for SciPy integration, curve fitting, and splines. These features are sped up behind the scenes using Numba and concurrent.futures.

Topical area Software Development and Machines

Primary authors

David Clarke (University of Utah) Dr Hauke Sandmeyer Jishnu Goswami (RIKEN AICS)

Presentation materials