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5–8 Dec 2023
America/Chicago timezone



6 Dec 2023, 14:00
One West (Wilson Hall)

One West

Wilson Hall


WG4: Design, experience, and operation with high-beta/beta=1 cryomodules and sub-components

  • Han Li (IASF) (Institute of advanced science facilities)
  • Dan Gonella (SLAC) (SLAC)
  • Serena Barbanotti (DESY) (DESY)

WG4: Design, experience, and operation with high-beta/beta=1 cryomodules and sub-components

  • Han Li (IASF) (Institute of advanced science facilities)
  • Serena Barbanotti (DESY) (DESY)
  • Dan Gonella (SLAC) (SLAC)

WG4: Design, experience, and operation with high-beta/beta=1 cryomodules and sub-components

  • Serena Barbanotti (DESY) (DESY)
  • Dan Gonella (SLAC) (SLAC)
  • Han Li (IASF) (Institute of advanced science facilities)

WG4: Design, experience, and operation with high-beta/beta=1 cryomodules and sub-components

  • Han Li (IASF) (Institute of advanced science facilities)
  • Dan Gonella (SLAC) (SLAC)
  • Serena Barbanotti (DESY) (DESY)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Sebastian Aderhold (SLAC) (SLAC)
06/12/2023, 14:00
Cecilia Maiano (ESS) (ESS - European Spallation Source)
06/12/2023, 14:30
Yawei HUANG (ShanghaiTech University) (ShanghaiTech University), Zhenyu Ma (SARI) (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, CAS)
06/12/2023, 16:00
Feisi He (IHEP) (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Han Li (IASF) (Institute of advanced science facilities)
06/12/2023, 16:05
Joe Ozelis (FNAL) (Fermilab)
06/12/2023, 16:10
Jeremiah Holzbauer (FNAL) (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
06/12/2023, 16:20
Lisa Zacarias (SLAC) (SLAC)
06/12/2023, 16:25
Hiroshi Sakai (KEK) (KEK)
06/12/2023, 16:30
Nicolas BAZIN (CEA) (CEA)
06/12/2023, 16:35
Serena Barbanotti (DESY) (DESY)
06/12/2023, 16:40
Mike Drury (JLab) (JLab)
06/12/2023, 16:45
Paolo Pizzol - ORNL
06/12/2023, 16:50
06/12/2023, 16:55
Han Li (IASF) (Institute of advanced science facilities), Xinbo Dong (IASF) (Institute of Advanced Science Facilities(IASF))
07/12/2023, 11:10
Ryan Porter (Cornell University) (Cornell University)
07/12/2023, 11:20
07/12/2023, 11:30
Zhenyu Ma (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, CAS) (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, CAS)
07/12/2023, 12:15
Han Li (IASF) (Institute of advanced science facilities), Linhong Zha (IASF) (Institute of Advanced Science Facilities)
07/12/2023, 14:00
Hongtao HOU (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, CAS) (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute Chinese Academy of Sciences), Zhenyu Ma (SARI) (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, CAS)
07/12/2023, 14:15
Nuno ELIAS (ESS) (European Spallation Source (ERIC))
07/12/2023, 15:00
Building timetable...