Fermilab has kindly agreed to host our Annual US LHC Users Association Meeting, Wednesday - Friday November 11-13. There will be an arrival reception and Executive Committee meeting in the afternoon of November 11, and the main sessions will follow on Thursday and Friday November 12 to 13.
Please register as soon as possible at hep.caltech.edu/uslua where you will be able to pay securely with a credit card, or through a bank account. Please do not forget to make your payment to complete your registration.
Note that the fees, and any additional voluntary donation to US LUA you may care to make, are tax deductible.
The meeting fee is $ 150. Students are eligible for a reduced fee of $ 75.
The conference dinner is $ 40 per person, and is paid separately for those attending the dinner.
We are looking forward to an exciting meeting, with a great range of first results from Run2 as our search for beyond the Standard Model continues, as well as a wide range of Run1 results in high pT physics, heavy flavor and heavy ion physics. With the greatly expanded reach at 13 TeV as well as the recent progress shown in Run1 analyses that are being finalized or maturing, we can anticipate new knowledge and perhaps some groundbreaking surprises in one or all of these physics sectors by November.
Our annual meeting will provide an excellent opportunity for the members of our community, especially the younger members, to come and present and discuss their work. We have reserved as much time as possible for 28 student talks during the meeting. This will be complemented by status and physics highlight talks with an emphasis on Run2 results from each of the LHC experiments, the LHC accelerator team, and LARP, as well as the view from Washington by representatives of the DOE and NSF.
We will review and discuss this year's trip to Washington together with Fermilab UEC and SLUO. The P5 Report setting directions and priorities for our field has been a significant milestone. We will review the impact and progress in implementing the plans outlined in the Report in an international context, the outcomes resulting from the report in government, and our community's ongoing activities targeting increased funding for our field in FY2017.
Following our tradition, there will be a lightning talk round, organized by members of the Executive Committee, as one of the highlights of the meeting. Each of the lightning talks, and the longer student and postdoc talks, will be judged by a panel. The winners of the competition will be invited to join us on the HEP trip to Congress, the agencies and executive offices in Washington DC in Spring 2016. The 2015 visit covering 360 Congressional offices and key committees was very interesting and highly interactive, and had a positive impact due to the evident enthusiasm and team spirit of many younger members of our field. We are looking forward to an equally successful visit to DC next Spring.
We will also hear a report on US-CERN International Relations in light of the new framework that includes US participation in the LHC program and CERN participation in the US neutrino program for many years ahead. We will also review the status, activities and plans of our US LHC Users Association, hosted in DC by URA. We will discuss the work of our various committees whose goal is to inform and assist our community in its daily work at CERN and life in the region, while helping to resolve issues and problems as they arise, in concert with the Advisory Committee of CERN Users.
This year we will also have a special Careers session where the younger members of our field can share the experiences and advice of members of our field who have gone out to work in various fields of science or engineering, at research labs, or large or small companies.
We look forward to seeing many of you at Fermilab in November. On behalf of US LUA, we'd like to thank Fermilab once again for hosting our annual meeting and for its strong support, together with Argonne, BNL, LBNL and SLAC, for our Association and its work. Furthermore, we'd like to particularly thank Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer, physicists and LPC Coordinators Boaz Klima (Fermilab) and Meenakshi Narain (Brown) and Fermilab staff member Terry Grozis.