28 May 2017 to 2 June 2017
US/Mountain timezone

Gamow-Teller Giant Resonances in 132Sn

30 May 2017, 12:15
Plenary-Longs Peak

Plenary-Longs Peak

Invited Presentation


Dr Masaki Sasano (RIKEN Nishina Center)


The Gamow-Teller (GT) transition is one of the most basic excitation modes in nuclei, exhibiting a strong and highly repulsive collectivity as the so-called GT giant resonance (GTGR). The study of the GTGR is an essential step to elucidate the nuclear interactions and structures underlying the collectivity as well as to construct the nuclear models that can reliably describe phennomena whose behaviours are governed by nuclear spin-isospin responses such as weak-interaciton processes in astrophysical sites and double beta decay nuclei. Despite of these importances of the GTGR, the existing data are only limited to stable nuclei and there have been no data in nuclei far from the stablitity line. In this talk, the first experimetnal determination of the GT transition stregths from 132Sn to 132Sb, performed using the (p,n) reaction at RIKEN RIBF, will be presented with answers on the questions such as "the spin-isospin collectivity can be different, if one goes far from the stability line?", "most sophisticated nuclear models could reproduce the data". The speaker will also give an overview of the GT studies on nuclei that will be emergning at RIKEN RIBF in the near future.

Primary author

Dr Masaki Sasano (RIKEN Nishina Center)

Presentation materials

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