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28 May 2017 to 2 June 2017
US/Mountain timezone

Support for graduate students and research associates

Financial Support for PhD Students and Research Associates (less than 4 years past PhD)

Thanks to our sponsors, funds will be available to support the active attendance of a limited number of PhD students and research associates (less than 4 years past PhD) – active in fields of relevance to the broad topics of ARIS – by offsetting the cost of the conference registration fee. Supported students and research associates are expected to attend the meeting for the entire duration, must have an abstract submitted, and share their work as poster or oral presentation during the meeting.
In order to be considered for support, students and research associates are required to:  
  • Send an email to with the following attachments
    • A brief Curriculum Vitae
    • A copy of the submitted abstract  (present abstract submission deadline: 25 January 2017)
  • Arrange for a recommendation letter by the advisor sent to the same email address
Application and recommendations submitted after Wednesday, 15 March 2017, may not receive full consideration. Successful applicants may be notified throughout the review process, but by 20 March 2017 at the latest. The successful students and research associates will then be registered through the conference organization.  Support will be revoked from students and research associates that have the abstract withdrawn or that have not made arrangements with the conference hotel by the end of the hotel reservation period.