28 May 2017 to 2 June 2017
US/Mountain timezone

Shape Isomerism in 66Ni

30 May 2017, 17:35
Invited Presentation Breakout 2


Prof. Silvia Leoni (Università di Milano and INFN sez. Milano)


The phenomenon of shape isomerism is related to the existence, in the nuclear potential energy surface (PES), of a secondary minimum associated with large deformation and separated from the primary minimum (ground state) by a high barrier. Shape isomers at spin zero have clearly been observed, so far, only in actinide nuclei. The existence of shape isomers in lighter systems has been a matter of debate for a long time: a rather restricted number of candidates was suggested by various mean-field theoretical approaches [1,2,3] and 66Ni turned out to be the lightest nucleus for which all models indicate the existence of a pronounced secondary PES minimum. In 66Ni, among the six lowest excitated states three have spin-parity assignment 0+. Monte Carlo Shell Model Calculations [4] which correctly predict the existence of all these three excited 0+ states, show that the 0+_4 excitation should exhibit well-deformed prolate shape and be separated by a substantial barrier from the spherical main minimum. Indeed, the calculated B(E2) probabilty from 0+_4 into the spherical 2+ is found to be significantly hindered pointing to the 0+_4 state as a candidate for shape isomer. To check this prediction, we performed a measurement of the lifetimes of 0+ excitations in 66Ni at the Bucharest Tandem Laboratory. By employing the two-neutron transfer reaction 64Ni(18O,16O)66Ni, at sub-barrier energy of 39 MeV, all three lowest-excited 0+ states in 66Ni were populated and their gamma-decay was observed by employing gamma-coincidence technique with the ROSPHERE HPGe array. The population pattern of the 0+ states clearly indicated that 0+_4 corresponds to the prolate deformed 0+ excitation predicted by theory. The 0+ states lifetimes were measured with a plunger device and, in particular, for the 0+_4 to 2+_1 decay the B(E2) values of 0.2 W.u. was found. The measured hindrance of E2 decay from the prolate 0+_4 to the spherical 2+_1 state is in line with the results of MCSM calculations, although the experimental magnitude is smaller. This result makes 66Ni a unique nuclear system, apart from 236U and 238U, in which a retarded gamma-transition from a 0+ deformed state to a spherical configuration is observed, pointing to a shape isomer-like behaviour. References: [1] P. Bonche et al., Nuc. Phys. A 500, 308 (1989). [2] M. Girod et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 2452 (1989). [3] P. Moeller et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 212501 (2009). [4] Y. Tsunoda et al., Phys. Rev. C 89, 031301(R) (2014).

Primary author

Prof. Silvia Leoni (Università di Milano and INFN sez. Milano)


Prof. Bogdan Fornal (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow, Poland) Prof. Michele Sferrazza (Universitè libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium) Dr Nicolae Marginean (IFIN HH, Bucharest, Romania) Prof. Takaharu Otsuka (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan) Dr Yusuke Tsunoda (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)

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