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17–21 Jan 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

Participant List

88 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Adam Lister Lancaster University
Adrien Hourlier MIT
Aleena Rafique Kansas State University
Ana Amelia Machado UNICAMP - UFABC
Andrew Blake Lancaster University
Andrew Furmanski University of Manchester
Andrew Mastbaum University of Chicago
Andrew Smith The University of Cambridge
Andrzej Szelc University of Manchester
Antonio Ereditato University of Bern
Bo Yu Brookhaven National Lab
Bonnie Fleming Yale University
Brandon Eberly SLAC
Brooke Russell Yale University
Bruce Baller Fermilab
Catherine James Fermilab
Costas Andreopoulos University of Liverpool and STFC/RAL
Damian Goeldi AEC, LHEP, University of Bern, Switzerland
Daniel Devitt Lancaster University
David Lorca LHEP-University of Bern
David Payne University of Liverpool
David Rivera University of Pennsylvania
David Schmitz University of Chicago
Diego Garcia-Gamez University of Manchester
Dominic Barker University of Sheffield
Dominic Brailsford Lancaster University
Elena Gramellini Yale University
Elizabeth Worcester BNL
Emma Davenport University of Texas at Arlington
Eric Church Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Ettore Segreto UNICAMP
Fabio Spagliardi University of Manchester
Georgia Karagiorgi Columbia University
Giles Barr Oxford University
Herbert Greenlee Fermilab
Igor Kreslo LHEP, Bern University
Jack Anthony Cambridge University
James Sinclair University of Bern
Jaroslaw Nowak Lancaster University
Jennifer Raaf Fermilab
Jeremy Hewes The University of Manchester
Joel Mousseau University of Michigan
John Marshall University of Cambridge
Joleen Pater University of Manchester
Jonathan Asaadi University of Texas Arlington
Justin Evans University of Manchester
Kevin Wierman PNNL
Kostas Mavrokoridis Univ of Liverpool
Leon Rochester SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Lorena Escudero University of Cambridge
Malgorzata Haranczyk Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow, Poland
Marco Del Tutto University of Oxford
Marco Roda University of Liverpool
Mark Thomson University of Cambridge
Martin Auger AEC, LHEP, Uni. Bern
Mary Bishai Brookhaven National Laboratory
Matt Toups MIT
Matthew Bass University of Oxford
Matthew Malek University of Sheffield
Matthias Lüthi University of Bern
Michael Kirby FNAL
Michele Cascella UCL
Michele Weber Bern
Neil Spooner University of Sheffield
Nicola McConkey University of Sheffield
Nuno Barros University of Pennsylvania
Ornella Palamara Fermilab
Pawel Guzowski University of Manchester
Pip Hamilton Syracuse University
Raquel Castillo Fernandez Fermilab
Rhiannon Jones University of Liverpool
Richard Van de Water LANL
Roxanne Guénette University of Oxford
Sam Zeller FNAL
Serhan Tufanli Yale University
Stefan Soldner-Rembold University of Manchester
Stefano Roberto Soleti University of Oxford
Steve Dennis University of Liverpool
Supraja Balasubramanian Yale University
Thomas Brooks University of Sheffield
Ting Miao FNAL
Tracy Usher SLAC
Varuna Crishan Meddage KSU, Microboone
Wesley Ketchum Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
William Louis LANL
Wouter Van De Pontseele University of Oxford
Xin Qian BNL
Yun-Tse Tsai SLAC