Paul Woodward
(University of Minnesota)
Our team at the University of Minnesota has a new and enhanced PPMstar simulation code under active development, with assistance from the University of Victoria team, especially with the design for handling nucleosynthesis processing. An interesting new feature will be the ability to automatically perform nucleosynthesis processing as a run progresses as a part of the run itself. The plan is to keep track of hundreds of isotopes and their nuclear reactions, but only on a 4-times-coarsened grid and with about an 80-times coarsened time resolution. The development of this feature is underway, and we would be interested to receive feedback on this from other JINA-CEE investigators. A 3-level AMR feature is also being added to the code, along with a subtraction of the unperturbed, strongly varying base state of the star from the dynamical computation. We are targeting both Blue Waters, NSF’s system at NCSA, and machines with state-of-the-art GPU-accelerated nodes. Design features and test results to date will be presented. We are specially planning to perform simulations of events where fuel is ingested into convection zones by convective boundary mixing in massive stars shortly before they explode, such as H-ingestion into He-burning convection or C-shell material mixing into O-shell convection.
Primary author
Paul Woodward
(University of Minnesota)
Christian Ritter
(University of Victoria)
Falk Herwig
(University of Victoria)
Huaqing Mao
(University of Minnesota)