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4–8 Jun 2018
US/Eastern timezone

Status of large area disk target development for ISOL facility of RAON

5 Jun 2018, 18:40




The compound of uranium carbide (UCx-C) target will be used for ISOL facility of RAON. However, Lanthanum de-carbide (LaC2) was used to carry out advanced research for optimal condition of fabrication instead of UCx-C because the uranium is radio-active material and lanthanum carbide has a similar properties to uranium carbide. A compound disk of lanthanum carbide (LaC2-C) of 50 mm in diameter, which lanthanum de-carbide with Multi-Wall Carbon Nano-Tube (MWCNT) was fabricated and tested. The long-term high temperature test was carried out at 1600℃, 1800℃ and 2000℃. Test duration was 20 hrs and 48 hrs respectively. The disks were analyzed in terms of weight, diameter, micro-structure, composition and density. Research and development for UCx-C based on the result of LaC2-C test is carrying out, the status will be introduced with the TIS (Target and Ion Source) system in this presentation.

Primary author



B.H. Kang (IBS) J.W. Jeong (IBS) Dr Jang Youl Kim (Institute for basic science) S.G. Hong (IBS) S.H. Na (KAERI) W. Hwang (IBS)

Presentation materials