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Indico will be unavailable on Wednesday, Nov 20th from 7-7:30 CST due to server maintenance.

Jun 4 – 8, 2018
US/Eastern timezone


Scientific Program Committee

C. Boehlert (MSU-CHEMS) H. Okuno (RIKEN)
M. Calviani (CERN) B. Riemer (ORNL)
Y. Dai (PSI) N. Simos (BNL)
C. Densham (STFC/RAL) C. Stodel (GANIL)
P. Hurh (FNAL) T. Stora (CERN)
Y. Lee (ESS) H. Weick (GSI)
N. Mokhov (FNAL)​ M. Wohlmuther (PSI)
T. Naoe (JAEA)  








Local Organizing Committee

F. Pellemoine (Chair)

M. Avilov

W. Mittig (Co-chair) A. Lesage

A. McCausey