Jun 4 – 8, 2018
US/Eastern timezone

Guidelines for Presentations

Poster presentations:
Poster sessions will be held on Tuesday (June 5).
Poster Specifications -Poster boards are designed for  maximum poster size 24” x 36”.

Oral presentations:
Presentation time:
Invited talks:        30 min plus 10 min for discussion
Regular talks:       15 min plus 5 min for discussion
The organizers will provide a Window7 PC and RGB cable.
Presentation slides should be provided as powerpoint or pdf file for smooth operation.
Speakers are requested to identify themselves to the chairperson of the session and upload the final version of their talk during the preceding coffee break.
Speakers can use their own laptop but should check the compatibility with the available system well in advance of the session. If needed, speakers are requested to bring adapting connectors (e.g. for Macintosh laptops).