Danas Ridikas
Promotion of nuclear applications for peaceful purposes and related capacity building is among the missions of the IAEA. In this context, accelerator applications and nuclear instrumentation is one of the thematic areas, where the IAEA supports its Member States in strengthening their capabilities to adopt and benefit from the usage of accelerators. A number of activities are being implemented focusing on accelerator based research and applications in multiple disciplines, facilitating access to accelerator facilities for the countries without such capabilities, and also development and capacity building in associated nuclear instrumentation. Specifically, under the topical area of this workshop “Radiation Damage in Target Material and Related Simulations”, some results will be reported on ion beam irradiation as a promising technique capable of emulating the effects of radiation damage in fission and fusion reactors, and therefore as a possible rapid screening technique prior to in-core testing.
(for an extended abstract please see attached file)
Primary author
Danas Ridikas
Ian Swainson
Sehila Sehila Gonzalez-De-Vicente