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4–8 Jun 2018
US/Eastern timezone

High power Beam dump for SARAF phase II

5 Jun 2018, 14:10
1200 FRIB Bldg

1200 FRIB Bldg

Oral 4-Target Design, Analysis, Validation of Concepts Session 4-Target Design, Analysis, Validation of Concepts


Dr Eliyahu Ilan (Soreq Nuclear Research Center)


Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility (SARAF) is based on a proton/deuteron RF superconducting linear accelerator. Phase I, has already been completed and allows acceleration of 1 mA CW, 4 MeV proton beams and low duty cycle acceleration of 5 MeV deuterons. Phase II of the project is under way and includes the development of the accelerator to its final specifications: energy of 40MeV proton/deuteron, and a current of up to 5mA. A beam dump will be required at the commissioning stage and for daily operations. The beam dump must be designed to stop a beam with a maximum power of 200 kW. To avoid radiation damage and improve heat transfer, a design concept of liquid metal target is suggested, based on our vast experience with the Lithium target at SARAF. The suggested liquid is a Ga-In-Sn metal alloy (Gallinstan) with a melting point of 10oC, designed to dissipate beam powers of 200 kW. The setup is based on a high-velocity windowless Gallium-Indium jet

Primary authors

Dr Arenshtam Alex (Soreq Nuclear Research Center) Mr Barami Eli (Soreq Nuclear Research Center) Mr Bukai Moshe (Soreq Nuclear Research Center) Dr Eliyahu Ilan (Soreq Nuclear Research Center) Mrs Gavish Inbal (Soreq Nuclear Research Center) Dr Kreisel Arik (Soreq Nuclear Research Center) Dr Moreno Daniel (Soreq Nuclear Research Center) Dr Rodnizki Jacob (Soreq Nuclear Research Center) Dr Vaintraub Sergey (Soreq Nuclear Research Center)

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