Per Nilsson
(European Spallation Source)
04/06/2018, 13:20
1-R&D to Support Concepts
The TOAST experiments were performed to investigate how much tungsten becomes airborne by tungsten oxidation at temperatures up to above 1400 C. The mass fraction of the oxidised amount that is airborne after passage through the system, was measured to be up to 50% .
In these experiments, large tungsten blocks of 0.25 - 0.5 kg are oxidised, compared to the smaller filaments or rods such as...
Willem Blokland
04/06/2018, 13:40
1-R&D to Support Concepts
Strain measurements were taken at multiple locations on the SNS stainless-steel. mercury filled target with and without gas injection at beam pulse energies up to 23.3 kJ. The strain was also measured as a function of the gas injection rate.