Heinz Vincke
07/06/2018, 09:00
5-Target Facility Challenges
The Beam Dump Facility (BDF), currently in its design phase, is a proposed fixed target facility at CERN, dedicated to the Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP). In order to isolate possibly existing hidden particles a high-density and high-Z target is used to fully absorb the hadronic and electromagnetic particle cascade caused by the impact of a high-intensity 400 GeV/c proton beam. Due to such...
Faraz Amjad
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
07/06/2018, 09:20
5-Target Facility Challenges
With the Super-conducting Fragment Separator (Super-FRS) at FAIR, rare isotopes of all elements up to uranium will be produced via fission or fragmentation in flight. The primary beam is converted in a graphite wheel target and separated in the following magnetic separator. The separator is surrounded by many meters of shielding with gaps for the beam line vacuum chambers, which are connected...
Michael Dayton
07/06/2018, 09:40
5-Target Facility Challenges
ORNL’s Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) utilizes liquid mercury as its spallation target material. The requisite infrastructure to support the operation and maintenance of the mercury process system must be reliable and robust to support safe neutron production operations, yet versatile and flexible to react to contingencies and adapt to changing operational requirements. Due to the unique...
Michael Campbell
07/06/2018, 10:00
5-Target Facility Challenges
The Mu2e experiment currently being designed and built at Fermilab will utilize a small tungsten target located in the middle of a long cylindrical vacuum chamber, which is then located inside a large superconducting solenoid. The radioactivity level of the target is very high at 3.3kSv/hr (contact) and the frequency for replacing this target is planned to be once per year. To perform this...