Gregory Severin
(Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
08/06/2018, 09:00
8-Multipurpose Use of Targets and Beam Dumps
Invited Talk
Inside the high-power beamstop at FRIB, nuclear reactions between the fast heavy-ion beam and water will create a large number of by-product radionuclides. Many of them are valuable for applied and basic-science research if they can be efficiently recovered from the beamstop water. We are currently designing and testing the systems that will allow collection and purification of these...
Mayir Mamtimin
(Niowave Inc.)
08/06/2018, 09:40
8-Multipurpose Use of Targets and Beam Dumps
Niowave, in a close collaboration with the experts at LANL, is developing a forced-flow liquid metal based high power neutron target that can generate 1014 n/s source neutrons with a 40 MeV 50 kW electron beam. This neutron target not only drives Niowave’s subcritical uranium assembly for its medical isotope production facility, it also provides a fast-spectrum neutron environment for material...
Kazuki Tsuchida
(Nagoya University)
08/06/2018, 10:00
8-Multipurpose Use of Targets and Beam Dumps
An accelerator-based neutron source for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy is under developing with a combination of a DC accelerator (IBA Dynamitron, 2.8MeV, 15mA) and a compact sealed lithium target. Low energy protons incident on lithium target are one of the most suitable reaction for accelerator-based BNCT. However, metallic lithium has several difficulties in chemical properties (low melting...