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19–21 Jun 2018
US/Central timezone

Equity & Inclusion: Ab ovo usque ad mala (Or, Soup to Nuts: How we create inclusive communities)

20 Jun 2018, 09:50
Ramsey Auditorium (Fermilab)

Ramsey Auditorium



Prof. Sarah Tuttle (University of Washington)


Abstract: I want to know how the universe works. The best chance we have to figure it out is to have as many creative and hardworking people working on it as possible. But our field, being embedded in our society, struggles with gatekeeping based on the many biases our society creates. These acts of discrimination, large and small, degrade our community and the quality of scientific thought that we generate. We will focus on some of the most pernicious issues in our community, the impact of these issues on our community members, and ways everyone can work together to share & dismantle the burden so we can all do groundbreaking research together.

Presentation materials