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AD Weekly Friday - 2018 Scheduling Meeting/Weekly Summary

One West (WH1W)

One West



Weekly Scheduling, Planning and Status 
Performance Plots
Meetings will be held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week.

AD Weekly Friday - 2018 Scheduling Meeting/Weekly Summary (06 Apr 2018)

Running well.
During Thursday's downtime, replaced 12 Marx cells in LRF2.
LRF4 had 3 switch tubes and a filament hose replaced.
PLC code updated in LRF 1-4
Marx code updated in LRF 1-3.
Marx cell #47 in LRF2 failed this morning and was replaced.

Did minor work during Thursday's shutdown.
Weekly total was 2.43E19 protons, one of the best weeks.

Main Injector & Recycler
Fairly steady running.
MI60 3-way valve caused problems several times. A final fix was implemented during Thursday's shutdown.
Inspected the MI40 water system, and also got the sump pump working properly there.
Sextupole scan studies and fast ramp studies were performed.
MI8 collimator studies are mostly complete.
Study requests: 1.2 sec fast ramp, MI lattice measurement, RR TBT.

Running well.
Took time during Thursday's shutdown to address a horn 1 water leak. Would like some opportunistic time to effect a real fix.
Ramped up the target hall fans as a test for 1MW operation.

NuMI Experiments
Experiments took advantage of Thursday's shutdown to perform minor jobs and train new experts.

Booster Neutrino
Target system DI bottle was changed yesterday.
Running well.

BNB Experiments
Good week.
DAQ tuning last week proved very successful.
Did testing of data management scripts yesterday.

Muon Rings
Some new and useful proton intensity parameters were made available this week.
Had a good week and tuning yielded a 5-10% increase in beam.
Upgraded ion chamber electronics.
Upcoming studies include dispersion measurements in M4 / M5 lines, Momentum collimator tests in the delivery ring, and 8GeV tune measurements in delivery ring.

Muon Experiments
Running well.

SY120, Neutrino Muon, Meson Test, Meson Center
Performed some inspections yesterday.
HP3US prepulse test was very successful and resulted in a good improvement in the beam slewing problem during spill.

SY120 Experiments
Running well.

All but 3 SQs have been field tested. PS testing of trims is underway. VFD installation on LCW pumps is complete. N2 tank in yard was emptied for maintenance.
Inj line quads 801 & 802 were installed.

PIP-II Injector Test
Continuing to operate at high duty cycle. There is an issue with the MPS which prevents going beyond apulse width of 900uS and this is being investigated.
Spoke cavity 112 has been installed and cooldown is expected to start today.

Provided support for PIP2, IOTA, G-2.

CHABLIS front end went down and was replaced.
Assisted with replacement of the 3-way valve system at MI60. Worked on the 3-way valve system at MI20 but more work is required.

Radiography is taking place at Mu2E building this morning and access is restricted.
RWP has been updated for g-2 access.

EE Support
Upgraded Marx cells for LRF2, updated code in other stations.
MI8 line correctors were made ramp capable.
PM on Q711.
Swapped 20 KW PS for LAM52.
Mods done for Muon PMAG and lens cap bank regulation.

Mechanical & Fluids
LRF4 filament hose replaced.
MI60 3-way valve control system was replaced yesteday.
Replaced MI20 3-way valve controls were replaced but more work is needed.
MI40 abort water level was topped off.
Did vac pump ispections in Meson area.

Replaced MI60 3-way valve system and the water temp is regulating fairly well.
Station 17 water leak was fixed.

Load transfers at Casey's pond went well.
MINOS detector hall loop control is back in auto.
Plan to replace MI40 sump pump this Summer.
AD Weekly Friday - 2018 Scheduling Meeting/Weekly Summary (06 Apr 2018)

Running well.
During Thursday's downtime, replaced 12 Marx cells in LRF2.
LRF4 had 3 switch tubes and a filament hose replaced.
PLC code updated in LRF 1-4
Marx code updated in LRF 1-3.
Marx cell #47 in LRF2 failed this morning and was replaced.

Did minor work during Thursday's shutdown.
Weekly total was 2.43E19 protons, one of the best weeks.

Main Injector & Recycler
Fairly steady running.
MI60 3-way valve caused problems several times. A final fix was implemented during Thursday's shutdown.
Inspected the MI40 water system, and also got the sump pump working properly there.
Sextupole scan studies and fast ramp studies were performed.
MI8 collimator studies are mostly complete.
Study requests: 1.2 sec fast ramp, MI lattice measurement, RR TBT.

Running well.
Took time during Thursday's shutdown to address a horn 1 water leak. Would like some opportunistic time to effect a real fix.
Ramped up the target hall fans as a test for 1MW operation.

NuMI Experiments
Experiments took advantage of Thursday's shutdown to perform minor jobs and train new experts.

Booster Neutrino
Target system DI bottle was changed yesterday.
Running well.

BNB Experiments
Good week.
DAQ tuning last week proved very successful.
Did testing of data management scripts yesterday.

Muon Rings
Some new and useful proton intensity parameters were made available this week.
Had a good week and tuning yielded a 5-10% increase in beam.
Upgraded ion chamber electronics.
Upcoming studies include dispersion measurements in M4 / M5 lines, Momentum collimator tests in the delivery ring, and 8GeV tune measurements in delivery ring.

Muon Experiments
Running well.

SY120, Neutrino Muon, Meson Test, Meson Center
Performed some inspections yesterday.
HP3US prepulse test was very successful and resulted in a good improvement in the beam slewing problem during spill.

SY120 Experiments
Running well.

All but 3 SQs have been field tested. PS testing of trims is underway. VFD installation on LCW pumps is complete. N2 tank in yard was emptied for maintenance.
Inj line quads 801 & 802 were installed.

PIP-II Injector Test
Continuing to operate at high duty cycle. There is an issue with the MPS which prevents going beyond apulse width of 900uS and this is being investigated.
Spoke cavity 112 has been installed and cooldown is expected to start today.

Provided support for PIP2, IOTA, G-2.

CHABLIS front end went down and was replaced.
Assisted with replacement of the 3-way valve system at MI60. Worked on the 3-way valve system at MI20 but more work is required.

Radiography is taking place at Mu2E building this morning and access is restricted.
RWP has been updated for g-2 access.

EE Support
Upgraded Marx cells for LRF2, updated code in other stations.
MI8 line correctors were made ramp capable.
PM on Q711.
Swapped 20 KW PS for LAM52.
Mods done for Muon PMAG and lens cap bank regulation.

Mechanical & Fluids
LRF4 filament hose replaced.
MI60 3-way valve control system was replaced yesteday.
Replaced MI20 3-way valve controls were replaced but more work is needed.
MI40 abort water level was topped off.
Did vac pump ispections in Meson area.

Replaced MI60 3-way valve system and the water temp is regulating fairly well.
Station 17 water leak was fixed.

Load transfers at Casey's pond went well.
MINOS detector hall loop control is back in auto.
Plan to replace MI40 sump pump this Summer.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Crew Chief
    • 2
      Operations Coordinator
    • 3

      Running well.

      During Thursday's downtime, replaced 12 Marx cells in LRF2.

      LRF4 had 3 switch tubes and a filament hose replaced.

      PLC code updated in LRF 1-4

      Marx code updated in LRF 1-3.


      Marx cell #47 in LRF2 failed this morning and was replaced.


    • 4

      Did minor work during Thursday's shutdown.

      Weekly total was 2.43E19 protons, one of the best weeks.


    • 5
      Main Injector & Recycler

      Fairly steady running. 

      MI60 3-way valve caused problems several times. A final fix was implemented during Thursday's shutdown.

      Inspected the MI40 water system, and also got the sump pump working properly there.

      Sextupole scan studies and fast ramp studies were performed.

      MI8 collimator studies are mostly complete.

      Study requests: 1.2 sec fast ramp, MI lattice measurement, RR TBT.

    • 6

      Running well.

      Took time during Thursday's shutdown to address a horn 1 water leak. Would like some opportunistic time to effect a real fix.

      Ramped up the target hall fans as a test for 1MW operation.


    • 7
      NuMI Experiments

      Experiments took advantage of Thursday's shutdown to perform minor jobs and train new experts.


    • 8
      Booster Neutrino

      Target system DI bottle was changed yesterday.

      Running well.

    • 9
      BNB Experiments

      Good week.

      DAQ tuning last week proved very successful.

      Did testing of data management scripts yesterday.

    • 10
      Muon Rings
      Muon Report

      Some new and useful proton intensity parameters were made available this week.

      Had a good week  and tuning yielded a 5-10% increase in beam.

      Upgraded ion chamber electronics.

      Upcoming studies include dispersion measurements in M4 / M5 lines, Momentum collimator tests in the delivery ring, and 8GeV tune measurements in delivery ring.


    • 11
      Muon Experiments
      Speakers: Brendan Casey (FNAL), Brendan Kiburg (Fermilab), Joe Grange (Argonne National Lab)

      Running well.

    • 12
      SY120, Neutrino Muon, Meson Test, Meson Center

      Performed some inspections yesterday.

      HP3US prepulse test was very successful and resulted in a good improvement in the beam slewing problem during spill.


    • 13
      SY120 Experiments

      Running well.

    • 14

      All but 3 SQs have been field tested. PS testing of trims is underway. VFD installation on LCW pumps is complete. N2 tank in yard was emptied for maintenance.

      Inj line quads 801 &  802 were installed.


    • 15
      PIP-II Injector Test

      Continuing to operate at high duty cycle. There is an issue with the MPS which prevents going beyond apulse width of 900uS and this is being investigated.

      Spoke cavity 112 has been installed and cooldown is expected to start today.



    • 16

      Provided support for PIP2, IOTA, G-2.


    • 17

      CHABLIS front end went down and was replaced.

      Assisted with replacement of the 3-way valve system at MI60. Worked on the 3-way valve system at MI20 but more work is required.


    • 18
    • 19

      Radiography is taking place at Mu2E building this morning and access is restricted.

      RWP has been updated for g-2 access.


    • 20
      EE Support

      Upgraded Marx cells for LRF2, updated code in other stations.

      MI8 line correctors were made ramp capable.

      PM on Q711.

      Swapped 20 KW PS for LAM52.

      Mods done for Muon PMAG and lens cap bank regulation.


    • 21
    • 22
      Mechanical & Fluids

      LRF4 filament hose replaced.

      MI60 3-way valve control system was replaced yesteday.

      Replaced MI20 3-way valve controls were replaced but more work is needed.

      MI40 abort water level was topped off.

      Did vac pump ispections in Meson area.


    • 23

      Replaced MI60 3-way valve system and the water temp is regulating fairly well.

      Station 17 water leak was fixed.


    • 24
      Speakers: Gilbert, Shirley, Sprosty

      Load transfers at Casey's pond went well.

      MINOS detector hall loop control is back in auto.

      Plan to replace MI40 sump pump this Summer.


    • 25
      Summer Shutdown 2018
      Speaker: Mr Cons Gattuso (Fermi Lab)
    • 26