AD Weekly Friday - 2018 Scheduling Meeting/Weekly Summary

One West (WH1W)

One West



Weekly Scheduling, Planning and Status 
Performance Plots
Meetings will be held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week.

AD Weekly Friday - 2018 Scheduling Meeting/Weekly Summary (20 Apr 2018)

Operations Coordinator
There is a plan to address the MI8 domestic water leak next week. This excavation will turn off beam for two days and we currently plan to do this concurrent with the Muon downtime on Wednesday and Thursday 4/25 and 4/26.
This plan will continue to be refined.
This downtime will replace the 8 week interval maintenance period we were expecting to do in a couple weeks.

Source B has been sparking due to overcesiation, reduced source current as a result.
Laser Notcher amp tripped and took time to diagnose.
Wednesday the LRF3 driver had problems with a HV cable and driver CVT capacitor.
Work on new Marx modulator continues.

Pretty good week.
4.8E12 to NuMi
4.5E12 to BNB
Efficiency 93%
1.5 hours downtime. GMPS ground fault meter replacement, minor RF trips.
Request ~1 hour reduced intensity for Laser Notcher diagnostics.

Main Injector & Recycler
Running normally.
Sunday had a QF buss ground fault in a penetration, likely due to rainwater. Fault cleared in 12 hours.
Efficiency 98% for RR, 97.9% for MI.
TOR905 has some problems.
Request 8 hour dountime to borescope MI60N penetration for the ground fault problem.

Running ok.
Still have a gas problem in the muon monitors but expect to receive an oxygen filter today that should help with this.

NuMI Experiments
Minos and Minerva are running fine.
NOvA is running fine but would like ~2 hours to reboot.

Booster Neutrino
Running well.

BNB Experiments
Running well.

Muon Rings
Kicker tuneup this week brought positron decays from 200 to up around 400.
A0 compressor trip and SY PS problem caused loss of refrigerator for a time.
POT up to design value of 16E12.
Plan to take some downtime starting at 0600 Wednesday 4/25 through Noon Thursday 4/26.

Muon Experiments
Lost half shift yesterday and overnight due to problems with quad pulser electronics.
Plan on turning on and running untill the scheduled DT on Wednesday at 0600.

SY120, Neutrino Muon, Meson Test, Meson Center
HP3DS transformer HV coffin had a flashover Sunday afternoon. EE support effected repairs and it was back on in less than 48 hours.
Instrumentation has made good improvements to the BPMs.
Testing He gas ion chamber for improved dynamic range.

SY120 Experiments
Running well.

NML UPS was taken down yesterday to add more circuits.
IOTA lambertson assembly has begun.
Ring cable pulls are complete.
Field measurements on the nonlinear insert have begun.
Beam tube has been installed in two of the 60 degree bend magnets.
Expect ORC for powering dipole PS on Tuesday.

PIP-II Injector Test
LOng pulse testing has resumed. Now up to 3.5mS at 20Hz.
Studies have gone smoothly.
Conditioned two new SSR1 couplers and processed a cavity w low power coupler in under 12 hours.
Warming up STC to add another cavity.

Referencing multiwires, continued support for g-2 and Mu-2-e.

Nothing to add.

HTC is warm, NML is warm, CMTF is warm and ruptured heat exchanger repairs are underway. Other systems are cold and running well.

Maddie will be away next week, contact Nino for any issues.
Would like to be in the loop for MI penetration inspection work.

EE Support
Would like 30 minutes to inspect KPS6N kicker.

Nothing to add.

Mechanical & Fluids
MI ion pumps in 300 sector are off due to suspected bad cables.
Request opportunistic access to replace the cables.
Request 8 hours to inspect MI60N buss penetration and clean up water in MI40 area.
Added water to various beamline systems.

Running well.

Startup work in progress in F sector ponds.
Looking at MI62 sinkhole, could be sump discharge line break.
MI-8 domestic water leak will require a 2 day beam outage due to proximity to the 8GeV line. They are ready to do this.
CUB chiller 4 repairs are planned.

Summer Shutdown 2018
Summer shutdown schedule, once we get more info about MI bus work will give us more info. Changes to T&M office ongoing, will learn more about job submission and any changes. In next week or two will start meeting with crew leaders. Still on schedule for July 9th start, turning off July 7th, still 10 weeks with 12 weeks for Ext Beams / SY.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:00 09:03
      Crew Chief 3m
    • 09:03 09:06
      Operations Coordinator 3m

      There is a plan to address the MI8 domestic water leak next week. This excavation will turn off beam for two days and we currently plan to do this concurrent with the Muon downtime on Wednesday and Thursday 4/25 and 4/26.

      This plan will continue to be refined.

      This downtime will replace the 8 week interval maintenance period we were expecting to do in a couple weeks.



    • 09:06 09:09
      Linac 3m

      Source B has been sparking due to overcesiation, reduced source current as a result.

      Laser Notcher amp tripped and took time to diagnose.

      Wednesday the LRF3 driver had problems with a HV cable and driver CVT capacitor.

      Work on new Marx modulator continues.


    • 09:09 09:12
      Booster 3m

      Pretty good week.

      4.8E12 to NuMi

      4.5E12 to BNB

      Efficiency 93%

      1.5 hours downtime.  GMPS ground fault meter replacement, minor RF trips.

      Request ~1 hour reduced intensity for Laser Notcher diagnostics.


    • 09:12 09:15
      Main Injector & Recycler 3m

      Running normally.

      Sunday had a QF buss ground fault in a penetration, likely due to rainwater. Fault cleared in 12 hours.

      Efficiency 98% for RR, 97.9% for MI.

      TOR905 has some problems.

      Request 8 hour dountime to borescope MI60N penetration for the ground fault problem.



    • 09:15 09:18
      NuMI 3m

      Running ok.

      Still have a gas problem in the muon monitors but expect to receive an oxygen filter today that should help with this.


    • 09:18 09:21
      NuMI Experiments 3m

      Minos and Minerva are running fine.

      NOvA is running fine but would like ~2 hours to reboot.


    • 09:21 09:23
      Booster Neutrino 2m

      Running well.

    • 09:23 09:24
      BNB Experiments 1m

      Running well.

    • 09:24 09:26
      Muon Rings 2m
      Muon Campus Status

      Kicker tuneup this week brought positron decays from 200 to up around 400.

      A0 compressor trip and SY PS problem caused loss of refrigerator for a time.

      POT up to design value of 16E12.

      Plan to take some downtime starting at 0600 Wednesday 4/25 through Noon Thursday 4/26.



    • 09:27 09:28
      Muon Experiments 1m
      Speakers: Brendan Casey (FNAL), Brendan Kiburg (Fermilab), Joe Grange (Argonne National Lab)

      Lost half shift yesterday and overnight due to problems with quad pulser electronics.

      Plan on turning on and  running untill the scheduled DT on Wednesday at 0600.


    • 09:30 09:32
      SY120, Neutrino Muon, Meson Test, Meson Center 2m

      HP3DS transformer HV coffin had a flashover Sunday afternoon. EE support effected repairs and it was back on in less than 48 hours.

      Instrumentation has made good improvements to the BPMs.

      Testing He gas ion chamber for improved dynamic range.



    • 09:32 09:35
      SY120 Experiments 3m

      Running well.

    • 09:35 09:38
      FAST/IOTA 3m

      NML UPS was taken down yesterday to add more circuits.

      IOTA lambertson assembly has begun.

      Ring cable pulls are complete.

      Field measurements on the nonlinear insert have begun.

      Beam tube has been installed in two of the 60 degree bend magnets.

      Expect ORC for powering dipole PS on Tuesday.


    • 09:38 09:40
      PIP-II Injector Test 2m

      LOng pulse testing has resumed. Now up to 3.5mS at 20Hz.

      Studies have gone smoothly.

      Conditioned two new SSR1 couplers and processed a cavity w low power coupler in under 12 hours.

      Warming up STC to add another cavity.

    • 09:40 09:42
      Alignment 2m

      Referencing multiwires, continued support for g-2 and Mu-2-e.


    • 09:42 09:45
      Controls 3m

      Nothing to add.

    • 09:45 09:47
      Cryo 2m

      HTC is warm, NML is warm, CMTF is warm and ruptured heat exchanger repairs are underway. Other systems are cold and running well.


    • 09:47 09:50
      ESH&Q 3m

      Maddie will be away next week, contact Nino for any issues.

      Would like to be in the loop for MI penetration inspection work.


    • 09:50 09:52
      EE Support 2m

      Would like 30 minutes to inspect KPS6N kicker.


    • 09:52 09:54
      Instrumentation 2m

      Nothing to add.

    • 09:54 09:55
      Mechanical & Fluids 1m

      MI ion pumps in 300 sector are off due to suspected bad cables.

      Request opportunistic access to replace the cables.

      Request 8 hours to inspect MI60N buss penetration and clean up water in MI40 area.

      Added water to various beamline systems.

    • 09:55 09:56
      RF 1m

      Running well.

    • 09:56 09:58
      FESS 2m
      Speakers: Gilbert, Shirley, Sprosty

      Startup work in progress in F sector ponds.

      Looking at MI62 sinkhole, could be sump discharge line break.

      MI-8 domestic water leak will require a 2 day beam outage due to proximity to the 8GeV line. They are ready to do this.

      CUB chiller 4 repairs are planned.


    • 09:58 09:59
      Summer Shutdown 2018 1m
      Speaker: Mr Cons Gattuso (Fermi Lab)

      Summer shutdown schedule, once we get more info about MI bus work will give us more info. Changes to T&M office ongoing, will learn more about job submission and any changes. In next week or two will start meeting with crew leaders. Still on schedule for July 9th start, turning off July 7th, still 10 weeks with 12 weeks for Ext Beams / SY.

    • 09:59 10:00
      Miscellaneous 1m