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Indico will be down for server maintenance on Wednesday, October 16th from 7-730 CST.

Axions beyond Gen 2

University of Washington

University of Washington


The goals of this workshop are to: 1. Assemble the science case for beyond-Generation-2 axion research and searches; 2. Organize the current experiment concepts including their sensitivity and mass reach in the context of the science of goal (1); 3. Prepare a roadmap for a beyond-Generation-2 axion dark-matter program that would point to promising approaches as well as being a useful reference for the broader scientific community. The intent of the workshop is to find a path forward in this chaotic and evolving situation. The topics and attended would represent a broad perspective in axion research, we specifically de-weight the current focus on the existing Gen 2 program. We envision the workshop broadly divided into theory and experiment sections. The presentations will be mainly overview, e.g., one is “axions and the Sun” to encompass helioseismology, evolutionary-age versus time-age, direct solar-axion detection, etc. Among other topics, the theory section includes bounds and estimates from lattice computations, instanton gas, and topological-string radiation, early-universe theta-angle misalignment, and anthropic considerations. The main question is whether it’s sensible to expend considerable resources to search sub-eV or beyond-meV QCD dark-matter axions, perhaps with non-Peccei-Quinn scale couplings. The workshop astrophysics theory includes constraints from astrophysical arguments including evolution of astrophysical objects, plus novel structure formation in Bose dark-matter scenarios. Experiment discussions include searches via RF resonant structures, atomic and NMR probes, and gravitational probes. The astrophysics experiment section also includes astrophysical searches for structure containing signatures of axion-like dark matter, plus axion effects on stellar evolution and energy transport. Despite the broad set of topics, the focus is on the QCD dark-matter axion. It’s worth a reminder that a workshop in 2012 similarly assembled the current perspective on axion theory, experiment and that workshop helped launch the current Gen 2 projects. This conference is being hosted at the University of Washington and is being supported by a generous contribution from the Heising-Simons Foundation.


Zoom used for all the meeting:

Meeting ID: 989 2606 0010

Passcode: 915860


Help available any time during the workshop hours

Assistance with logging into Zoom, accessing Indico site, uploading talks, etc
University of Washington Staff available to help


Phone: 1-206-543-4082