Yuqian Ma
The L3+C is a unique tool in detecting cosmic muons and measuring
their momenta in the range of 15-3000 GeV/c. About 1.2 x 1010
cosmic muon events have been collected during its running period in
1999-2000. With these high quality data many results on cosmic
rays and gamma rays have been obtained, for example, the measurement
of the atmospheric muon spectrum and the muon charge ratio, the search
for TeV anti-protons by the moon shadowing, the coincidence of muons
with the solar flares, the search for transient flaring point
sources by detecting the muon burst, the analysis of muon bundles and
comparison to simulations, and so on. In this talk, above results as well
as a few of remarks on the future muon experiment will be summarized and presented.
Primary author
Yuqian Ma
Zhiguo Yao