Emulsion chambers: 1
- Edison Hiroyuki Shibuya (Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
Emulsion chambers: 2
- Akinori Ohsawa (University of Tokyo)
Rauf Mukhamedshin
(Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Science)
01/07/2010, 14:05
Emulsion chambers
Capability of high coordinate-resolution techniques to study features of hadron-nuclear interactions at superhigh-energies are considered by the example of X-ray emulsion chamber (XREC) techniques. Main results accumulated by this way are discussed. Sensitivity of this approach to hadron-nuclear interaction features is analyzed. Predictions for future LHC experiments are formulated. Some...
Masanobu Tamada
(Kinki University)
01/07/2010, 14:40
Emulsion chambers
The Chacaltaya hybrid experiment together with emulsion chamber and EAS-array
can detect air-showers by the air-shower array, the accompanied atmospheric families
(a bundle of high energy electrons and gamma-rays) by emulsion chambers and hadrons
by burst detectors just under the emulsion chambers.
We study overall characteristics of the experimental data, gamma-families and hadron...
01/07/2010, 15:15
Emulsion chambers
Analysis on a especial event with a main characteristics of Centauro type events, i.e. mean transverse momentum of hadrons in an order of 1 GeV/c will be presented. In spite of this event (Centauro V) doesn’t show the aspect of pioneer event (Centauro I), that is the upper part of the detector has more particles than the lower part, the event Centauro V shows other common characteristics of...
Anatoly Petrukhin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
02/07/2010, 08:30
Emulsion chambers
During last tens years many unusual results which are very difficult to explain in frames of existing theories and models were obtained in cosmic ray investigations. But it is possible to explain all these results if to suppose that some new state of matter with effective mass about TeV and with large orbital momentum appears. This new state of matter can be, for example, quark-gluon plasma,...
Alexander Borisov
(P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS)
02/07/2010, 08:50
Emulsion chambers
A detailed study of X-Ray emulsion chamber response with ECSim 2.1 computer package adopted from GEANT 3.21 code and suited for imitation of measuring procedures, employed in the Pamir experiment makes it possible to determine more accurately the proton fraction in the primary cosmic ray (PCR) flux at energies around the “knee” E_0=1-100 PeV. In particular, it is shown that the proton fraction...