Michael Albrow
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
28/06/2010, 09:00
Accelerator data
I shall present selected examples of accelerator data, mainly from hadron colliders, that are relevant for understanding cosmic ray showers. I focus on the forward region, x(Feynman) > 0.05, where high energy data are scarce, since the emphasis in collider physics became high-pT phenomena. I discuss whether that situation can be improved.
Thomas Gaisser
(University of Delaware)
28/06/2010, 09:50
Introductory presentations
Important new results in four areas of particle astrophysics are on the agenda of this conference: atmospheric leptons; direct measurements of composition and spectrum to 100 TeV; air shower measurements from the knee to the ankle; and the upper end of the cosmic-ray spectrum. Each of these topics has a long history, with the techniques and the basic questions being established early on. What...
Paolo Lipari
(INFN Roma 1)
28/06/2010, 11:10
Introductory presentations
The study of high energy cosmic rays requires a good understanding of the properties of hadronic interactions.
Information on the strong interactions can be obtained in experimental studies at accelerators,
however the modeling of cosmic rays showers requires an extrapolation of the observations made at accelators with some guidance from theoretical ideas.
This talk will...