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SIST Final Talks 2010



Summer Internships in Science and Technology
    • 1
      Speaker: Mr Jamieson OLSEN (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
    • 2
      Mass Constraints on Fourth Generation of Standard Model Fermions
      Current experimental bounds on fourth-generation, standard model fermion masses are revisited. Assuming a fourth generation, we cast uniformly distributed masses for four fermions and determine a probability density function based on consistency with the electroweak oblique parameters, S, T, and U, convoluting over Higgs masses. Recent TeVatron combination limit on Mh in the fourth generation scenario is used and a probability density function for the four fermions is obtained.
      Speaker: Enrique Ramirez-Homs (University of Texas at El Paso)
    • 3
      Muon-to-Electron Conversion Experiment (Mu2e) Detector Solenoid Design
      This project will focus on the calculations, tests, and analysis that went into creating a feasible Detector Solenoid design for Mu2e. The project primarily involves a finite element analysis (FEM) program called COMSOL that can produce analysis of magnetic fields, axial stresses, force summations, and coil deformations. The Mu2e experiment aims to find the direct, neutrino-less conversion of a muon to an electron in the field of a nucleus. The Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (CLFV) is one example of a neutrino-less muon-to-electron conversion that is found in the Coulomb field of a nucleus. If this occurrence can be observed, there may be much more to specify in regards to the standard model of particle physics and the fundamental laws of high energy physics.
      Speaker: Mr Bryce Austell (SIST Intern)
    • 4
      A Garnet Tuner for the NOvA Recycler 52.809 MHz RF Cavity
      This project describes the function of an yttrium-iron garnet tuner and a radio frequency cavity. This experiment focises on the subject of particle acceleration and the role the yttrium-iron garnet tuner and cavity play in such. The data received during the 2010 summer while working with RG 58 coaxial cable models and higher Q transmission line models of the RF cavity and tuner, as well as data from the prototype cavity and the tuner using an adjustable short is critical towards taking the next steps involving the NOvA Recycler.
      Speaker: Minnae Chabwera (Hampton University/SIST Intern)
    • 9:40 AM
    • 5
      Cryomodule Magnetic Field Measurements
      Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavities (SCRF) are being used in modern accelerators because of their high acceleration gradient and efficiency. Field emission threshold and quench however, limit the accelerating gradient thus degrading their performance. Quench is specific to superconductors and is dependent on temperature and magnetic field strength. In order to reduce the quench limitation and to support higher field gradients, the residual magnetic field in the SCRF has to be kept minimum. The cavities are magnetically shielded to prevent magnetic flux from being trapped in the cavities during cool down. The cryomodules vessel shields the cavities from the earth’s magnetic field. In addition, each cavity is shielded by an independent mu-metal shield. To ensure that the residual magnetic field inside the vessel is acceptable, we develop a LabVIEW measurement program to measure the residual magnetic field along the length of the inside of the vessel where the SCRF cavities will be mounted. The LabVIEW program reads Bartington’s Mag-03MC1000 Flux-Gate magnetometer using National Instrument’s Data Acquisition hardware to measure the magnetic field inside the cryomodule.
      Speaker: Jackline Koech (Mount Holyoke College)
    • 6
      Dark Energy Survey via the technique of Counts of Galaxy Clusters
      Recently it was discovered that the universe is expanding at accelerated rate. This acceleration could be explained with a concept of Dark Energy. Dark Energy Survey is an imaging survey to make precise measurement of dark energy. The first part of this paper describes in detail the simulation done to estimate the equation of state parameter, w and its error by comparing it with a simulation bias data. All of the calculations were done using a mathematica based tool created specifically for this project. Comparing the model bias with the simulation bias data given σD = 0.03 gave w = -0.716488±0.098. The second part of this paper focuses on the method used to build a GUI that is used to analyze images from CCD. The GUI is mostly stable with some bugs still to be fixed.
      Speaker: Mr Salem Cherenet (University Of Illinois)
    • 7
      Application of Cone beam CT Isocenter Adjustments in Image Reconstruction
      The Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) System at Fermilab is being developed to accurately locate tumors and characterize the surrounding anatomy prior to Neutron Therapy (NT). The aim of this project is to aid accurate prediction of the position of the CT isocenter. This is necessary to ensure spatial isotropy in the reconstructed CT images. A vertical CT scanner is currently used unaided for treatment planning at the Neutron Therapy Facility (NTF). The cone beam CT now being developed will be used alongside the vertical CT to characterize the tumor volume prior to irradiation. However, instead of utilizing a rotating "gantry", the NTF is constructed around a linear accelerator (LINAC), hence the neutron beam is applied in a fixed horizontal position on a lower level while the patient is sitting or standing on a rotating platform. An elevator carries the platform to an upper level to perform the CBCT scans. The elevator has been determined to have a pitch in the x-y plane (upstream of the beam and transverse to the movement of the elevator) resulting in pixel offsets in the reconstructed image. This project involves the various methods and experiments aimed at measuring the offsets as well as their application in the image reconstruction algorithm.
      Speaker: Nnadozie Ezerioha (Benedict College)
    • 10:50 AM
    • 8
      Position Errors in the Flying Wires Detector
      There currently exists mild error in the recorded position, as given by a resolver, of the wire used in the Flying Wire Beam Profiling Detectors. A program was created that would help find positioning error in the system by comparing the position readings from the resolver a more accurate optical encoder.
      Speaker: Joshua Hooks (Fermilab)
    • 9
      Characterization of the Picosecond Pulsed Fiber Laser
      The Picosecond Pulsed Fiber Laser is in the process of characterization for the New Muon Lab Test Area. It will replace the Nd:YLF laser currently in A0 once the New Muon Lab is completed. Fiber technology is supposed to be cutting edge in the low noise and stability frontier. This Yb-doped fiber seed laser will be A0PI's first step in the fiber arena for Photoinjector Application.
      Speaker: Ms Courtney Clarke (Fermilab SIST)
    • 11:40 AM
      Group photo in atrium
    • 10
      Summer Lecture Series
      Tom Kroc
    • 1:00 PM
    • 11
      A simulation Study of the Totally Active Dual Readout Calorimeter
      Electromagnetic calorimeters are capable of very precise energy measurements as the energy deposited by electromagnetic showers is almost entirely visible to electromagnetic calorimeters. Hadronic calorimeters, on the other hand, are much less precise. This is partly due to the fact that a significant portion of energy is lost to nuclear interactions during hadron showers. The prospects of high precision lepton colliders such as the ILC call for much more precise energy measurements than what current hadron calorimeters can afford. To meet this challenge, the idea of the dual readout calorimeter is proposed. This calorimeter will have the capability of reading out both scintillation and cerenkov light, using the latter to correct for the energy lost due to nuclear interactions in hadron showers. In this research project, the simulation and analytical processes of the totally active dual readout calorimeter were investigated. Simulations were done for electrons, pi- mesons and muons of various energies. The dual readout correction process was applied to the pions and the corrected energy responses with their energy resolution were obtained. The effect of energy threshold cuts on the final energy resolution was investigated using the 20GeV pion as an example.
      Speaker: Earle Wilson (Columbia University)
    • 12
      Developing SES Browser Utility GUI Applications
      The DZero detector requires active monitoring throughout the experiment for it gathers large sums of data pertinent to the collaboration’s experiment during the collisions. Monitoring the state of the detector and the data acquisition process is the task of the control room which relies on several application. One of these is aptly named the Significant Event System (SES). SES send alarm message concerning the status of the detector in real time and in log files. I developed two application to help Dzero member uses the SES browser to find certain alarm messages and view alarm messages without internal information.
      Speaker: Llewellyn Barrett (North Carolina State University)
    • 13
      MicroBooNE Detector: Digitization at Feed Through
      The MicroBooNE is a Liquid Argone Time Projection Chamber. During this summer, We worked on tentative modifications on the current digitization scheme of MicroBooNE. We have card designed to digize signals at feed throiugh. The card is compatible with the detectors; the card is designed to fit the slots available at feed through. The digitization scheme used is a TDC implemented on an FPGA. Dedicated carry lines of an FPGA are used as delay cells to perform time interpolation within the system clock period and to realize the fine time measurement. Two Gray-code counters, working on in-phase and out-of-phase system clocks respectively, are designed to get the stable value of the coarse time measurement. The fine time code and the coarse time counter value, along with the channel identifier, are then written into a first-in first-out (FIFO) buffer. Tests have been done to verify the performance of the TDC. This paper and presentation explains the TDC card design and the details the performance test carried on the card.
      Speaker: Mr john odeghe (SIST Fermi Lab, SC State University)