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EF03 Heavy flavor and top kickoff




In this meeting we will give an overview presentation (following the EF kick-off last week, and will give a chance for everyone to prepare 5-minute presentations to show their plans. We will also have plenty of time for discussion. 

The meeting will be on zoom at The meeting password on zoom is 202021.

- t to Hq - covered in our group, but global fits elsewhere
- EF06 - also covers heavy hadron production and that will be a big topic there
- Clarification on terminology: LOI (letter of interest) is the official Snowmass method for people to submit studies they intend to do, EOI (expression of interest) is a google form that some of the other EF topical groups set up to better collect interest. 
- EFTs in general: work out overlaps and which topic goes where amongst EF TG conveners. People working on top EFT will work in both EF03 and EF04 and will become natural links between the groups
- Generally on which group to work in: Analyzers take ownership and work in the relevant group, with presentations in other groups if necessary.

Wimpenny, top mass, 4-top:
- to go below 300 MeV in top mass, these questions on page 2 have to be addressed.
- experimental side: improve modeling of fragmentation function. For some prospects, there are results in review in CMS.
- Marcel Vos: also interested in mass from differential XS, do we have enough people to do that?
- Andre Hoang: need to specify which measurement method is being considered for each of the questions because issues are different based on approach.

Moreno, dark matter and heavy flavor:
- extend studies done for ESG to future colliders
- most relevant to us (EF03) are possible observables
- CMS looked at spin correlation and polarization observables for dark matter limits, but the problem is to disentangle the large ttbar background, though this might be different for single top (this needs to be studied).

Jung, spin correlation:
- Spin correlation and DeltaPhi, building on current work and on HL-LHC studies
- Have samples for HL-LHC, for future machines, this is being set up, see EF task force.
- They will produce a request form to figure out which samples for which colliders will be requested and which are already available. This will come through the topical group.
- Roman Poeschl: At ILC, have just finished study on general ttbar production, samples are available at root file level - maybe could give Andy access to those files.

Perello, EFT global fits:
- EW couplings of top quark, Run 2, HL-LHC, ILC
- plot on page 5, intend to include more observables, more room for studies
- Including 100 TeV collider is tricky because strongly dependent on theory uncertainties (possible connection to theory frontier)
- Also coordinate these EFT studies with EF04 - they coordinate both Higgs and top EFT studies, and they also can give guidance on reasonable assumptions.

Simon, top mass at ILC:
- present-day theory uncertainties are of similar magnitude as expected experimental uncertainties
- have to understand modeling of tops, both event generators and theory predictions
- dependence of mass scan on EW couplings of top - need additional inputs and studies

Poeschl, heavy fermions:
- First focus on bb and cc because these are already available immediately at a lepton collider (250 GeV)
- NLO EW corrections should be available 
(see, e.g.,, but readily available for MC studies?

Keaveney, EFT and HL-LHC:
- Marcel Vos: exchange ideas on HL-LHC projections
- Ideas are based on using differential cross-sections, so could do them with Rivet, for example, and wouldn’t need detector simulation. This also includes dependence on modeling uncertainty assumptions in 2050, simulating detector wouldn’t give much additional information anyway.
- This is also connection to theory frontier, to get estimate of expected theory modeling uncertainties in the future.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 13:00 13:20
      Introduction and overview 20m
      Speakers: Doreen Wackeroth (University at Buffalo, SUNY), Reinhard Schwienhorst (Michigan State University)
    • 13:30 13:35
      5 minute presentations on proposed studies 5m
    • 13:30 13:35
      Limits on Precision Top Mass Measurements at HLLHC and Prospects for the 4top Process 5m
      Speaker: Stephen Wimpenny (University of California - Riverside)
    • 13:40 13:45
      Dark Matter and Heavy Flavors at Colliders 5m
      Speaker: Alexander Moreno Briceño (Antonio Nariño University)
    • 13:50 13:55
      Top Quark Spin Correlations at the HL-LHC & constraining new physics 5m
      Speaker: Andreas Jung (Fermilab)
    • 14:00 14:05
      ILC: EFT fit for top and bottom EW couplings 5m
      Speakers: Gauthier Durieux (Technion Haifa), Martin Perello (IFIC Valencia), Roman Poeschl (LAL Orsay)
    • 14:10 14:15
      Top mass prospects at e+e- colliders 5m
      Speakers: Esteban Fullana (IFIC-Valencia (CSIC-UV)), Frank Simon (Max-Planck-Institute for Physics)
    • 14:20 14:25
      Heavy quark studies other than top at Linear Colliders 5m
      Speaker: Roman Poeschl (LAL Orsay)
    • 14:30 14:35
      ttW modeling 5m
      Speaker: Maria Moreno Llácer (IFIC, Valencia, Spain)
    • 14:40 14:45
      Novel constraints on EFT in the top sector 5m
      Speakers: Alexander Grohsjean (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron), James Keaveney (DESY)