Mini Workshop: 0nubb Experiment II


This workshop will have an informal and interactive format, and we invite two-slide contributions on all aspects of the future of the field. Please see the linked slides presented at the first 0nubb Experiment Mini-workshop, for information and guidance.

Contributions are invited from anyone, regardless of present experimental affiliation or seniority, and may represent perspectives on any of the issues listed; provocative questions and points for discussion; ideas for future directions and techniques; commentary on the role of Snowmass in advancing the interests of 0nubb; or other topics.  The scope is not confined to the priorities and interests of the present generation of experiments, but also covers cross-cutting and forward-looking topics that will be relevant on the ten-year Snowmass timescale. 

We ask that slides be submitted no later than 6pm CT, Monday August 17th to co-conveners Ben Jones and Lisa Kaufman.  We will collate the slides into segments for presentation by the submitters, followed by mediated discussion. The precise subject matter of the workshop will depend strongly on what is submitted, and we will distribute an outline in advance, on the evening of August 18.