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DAQ-Level Pure Neutrino Streams For SBND

Not scheduled
Poster session Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics Session 2


Erin Yandel


The Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND) is a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) currently being built as part of Fermilab’s Short Baseline Neutrino Program (SBN). Located along the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) just 110m from the target, SBND will see over a million neutrino interactions per year, and a number of high statistics neutrino analyses can be done within a short time after SBND begins operation. The high number of neutrino events also allows for the creation of valuable tools to calibrate and monitor the performance of the detector and neutrino beam. This poster presents a few DAQ-level 100% pure selections of neutrino events, to be used in the development and validation of these calibrations, monitoring, and analysis tools.

Primary author

Erin Yandel

Presentation materials