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Benefits of MeV-scale reconstruction in LArTPCs

Not scheduled
Poster session Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics Session 2


William Foreman (Illinois Institute of Technology)


Liquid argon time projection chambers (LArTPCs) combine millimeter-scale particle tracking, calorimetric capabilities, and scalability - making them well-suited for observing neutrino interactions. A LArTPC feature that has received relatively less attention is their low energy threshold, which allows for the study of phenomena down to the MeV scale. We use truth-level Monte Carlo simulations to demonstrate the physics capabilities enabled by the reconstruction of topologically compact, isolated, low-energy `blips’ in large LArTPCs. These studies show how blip activity can serve as a useful signature in distinguishing supernova neutrino final states, and in final-state neutron tagging. Blip reconstruction also enables studies of final-state neutron production in charged- or neutral-current GeV-scale neutrino-nucleus interactions.

Primary authors

William Foreman (Illinois Institute of Technology) Prof. Bryce Littlejohn (Illinois Institute of Technology) Whitmaur Castiglioni Matthew Malaker (Illinois Institute of Technology) Ivan Lepetic Andrew Mastbaum (Rutgers University)

Presentation materials