The IsoDAR Sterile Neutrino Search

Not scheduled
Poster session Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics Session 2


Joseph Smolsky (M.I.T.)


IsoDAR is designed as an eV-scale sterile neutrino search motivated by anomalies in short-baseline oscillation experiments. Conceptually, IsoDAR is an intense neutrino source near a kton scale detector such as KamLAND or the planned LSC at Yemilab. $\overline{\nu}_e$'s are produced via $^8$Li isotope decay-at-rest, which is driven by a high current cyclotron. With 5 years of runtime, IsoDAR@KamLAND could measure over 800,000 IBD events and definitively cover global best fit regions to 3+1 sterile neutrino models. Additionally, the high $\overline{\nu}_e$ flux would produce the world's largest data set of $\overline{\nu}_e-e$ elastic scattering events for a precision electroweak measurement sensitive to non-standard neutrino interactions. Extensive design work has been done on the cyclotron and target for the IsoDAR neutrino source and an H$_2^+$ ion source is currently being commissioned. I will cover the IsoDAR experimental design, the IsoDAR physics possibilities, and technology being developed for IsoDAR.

Primary author

Joseph Smolsky (M.I.T.)

Presentation materials