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Monte Carlo Event Generator for Neutrino Trident Production at High Energy

Not scheduled
Poster session Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics Session 2


Sourav Sarkar


Neutrino trident production (NTP) is sub-dominant standard model process where a neutrino interacts in the coulomb field of a nucleus and produces lepton-antilepton pair. At high neutrino energies, on-shell W Boson production is predicted to enhance the NTP cross-section significantly and increase the expected event rate in neutrino telescope detectors like IceCube. In this work, we are the first to publish a Monte Carlo generator to simulate NTP events in the neutrino energy range 100GeV to 100PeV. Using this we make predictions on the number of di-muon NTP interactions in the IceCube detector from both the atmospheric and diffuse astrophysical neutrino fluxes. By making simple assumptions on the performance of an improved two-track event reconstruction method, we conclude that it should be possible to detect high energy NTP events in neutrino telescope detectors and then use them as a probe for new physics.

Primary author

Sourav Sarkar

Presentation materials