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Measuring the electron Yukawa is impossible in Higgs boson decays, H -> e+e- , given the smallness of the electron mass that leads to a vanishingly small decay branching fraction. The only direct method to extract the Higgs-electron coupling is through resonant s-channel production in e+e- collisions running at the Higgs pole mass. Such a measurement is possible at the FCC-ee provided one can...
The Future Circular Collider with electron-positron beams (FCC-ee) should provide improvements of the electroweak precision measurement concerning Z, W, H, and their masses by a large factor over the present status. The unparalleled experimental precision would open, via Electroweak loop corrections, a broad discovery potential for new, at least weakly interacting particles up to high energy...
The LHC is exploring electroweak (EW) physics at the scale EW symmetry is broken. As the LHC and new high energy colliders push our understanding of the Standard Model to ever-higher energies, it will be possible to probe not only the breaking of but also the restoration of EW symmetry. We propose to observe EW restoration in double EW boson production via the convergence of the Goldstone...
A Multi-TeV muon collider providing O(1/ab) integrated luminosity will be a great opportunity to probe the most intimate nature of the Standard Model (SM) and the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking mechanism, allowing the precise measurement of the Higgs couplings to several SM particles. We will present an overview of the ongoing searches and first results on the sensitivity to the Higgs boson...
With the full Run 2 pp collision dataset collected at 13 TeV, very detailed measurements of Higgs boson properties can be performed. This talk presents measurements of Higgs boson properties using Higgs boson decays to bosons, including production mode cross sections and simplified template cross sections, as well as their combination and interpretations.
Testing the Yukawa couplings of the Higgs boson to quarks and leptons is important to understand the origin of fermion masses. The talk presents cross section measurements in Higgs boson decays to two bottom quarks or two tau leptons, searches for Higgs boson decays to two charm quarks or two muons, as well as indirect constraints of the charm-Yukawa coupling. The production of Higgs bosons in...
Precision measurements and searches for new phenomena in the Higgs sector are among the most important goals in particle physics. Experiments at the Future Circular Colliders (FCC) are ideal to study these questions. Electron-positron collisions (FCC-ee) up to an energy of 365 GeV provide the ultimate precision with studies of Higgs boson couplings, mass, total width, and CP parameters, as...
Measurements of multiple electroweak bosons production and vector boson scattering, as well as photon-photon fusion at the LHC are stringent tests of the electroweak sector and provide a model-independent means to search for new physics at the TeV scale. In this talk, we present recent results from the ATLAS experiment for multi-boson production in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV....
A modest extension of the Standard Model by two additional Higgs doublets - the Higgs Troika Model - can provide a well-motivated scenario for successful baryogenesis if neutrinos are Dirac fermions. Adapting the "Spontaneous Flavor Violation" framework, we consider a version of the Troika model where light quarks have significant couplings to the new multi-TeV Higgs states. Resonant...
The production of multiboson final states in proton-proton collisions constitutes a precision test of the electroweak sector of the Standard Model (SM). Moreover, these processes are a dominant background for many Higgs boson measurements and for a multitude of beyond SM searches. Due to their high-sensitivity to trilinear and quartic gauge couplings, multiboson cross section measurements...
A Multi-TeV Muon Collider provides a unique opportunity for high-precision physics at the energy frontier thanks to the clean lepton collisions delivered at energies unreachable to electron-positron colliders. In particular, at the centre-of-mass energies above 2 TeV it is the most-energy-efficient discovery machine, and at √s=14 TeV it has the physics reach comparable to that of the...
Future circular and linear colliders as well as the Large Hadron Collider in the High-Luminosity era have been imposing unprecedented challenges on the radiation hardness of particle detectors that will be used for specific purposes e.g. forward calorimeters, beam and luminosity monitors.
We performed research on the radiation-hard active media for such detectors, particularly calorimeters,...
We present sensitivity of LHC Standard Model (SM) differential cross section measurements for so-called stealth dark matter scenarios occurring in SU(4) dark gauge group, where constituents are charged under the SM. The low energy theory contains mesons which can be produced at the LHC and a scalar baryon dark matter which can not be produced at the LHC. We illustrate the impact of LHC...
In this talk we will discuss about a general anomaly free U(1) extension of the Standard Model which describes a small neutrino mass after the seesaw mechanism. In this scenario a new force carrier called 𝑍′ Can be introduced which plays an interesting role to study a variety of phenomenological aspects including forward backward asymmetry, left right asymmetry, Higgs physics and dark matter...
The Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) provides a consistent framework for comparing precision measurements at the LHC to the Standard Model (SM). The observation of statistically significant non-zero SMEFT coefficients would correspond to physics beyond the SM (BSM) of some sort. A more difficult question to answer is what, if any, detailed information about the nature of the...
Charged-current quasielastic scattering is the signal process in modern neutrino oscillation experiments. It also serves as the main tool for the reconstruction of the incoming neutrino energy. Exploiting effective field theory, we factorize neutrino-nucleon quasielastic cross sections into soft, collinear, and hard contributions. We evaluate soft and collinear functions from QED and provide a...
To address the challenges of providing high performance EM Calorimetry in future experiments under high luminosity and difficult radiation and pileup conditions, R&D is being conducted on promising optical-based technologies that can inform the design of future detectors, with emphasis on ultra-compactness, excellent energy resolution and spatial resolution, and especially fast timing...
Vector boson scattering is a key production process to probe the electroweak symmetry breaking of the standard model, since it involves both self-couplings of vector bosons and coupling with the Higgs boson. If the Higgs mechanism is not the sole source of electroweak symmetry breaking, the scattering amplitude deviates from the standard model prediction at high scattering energy. Moreover,...
The discovery of the Higgs boson with the mass of about 125GeV completed the particle content predicted by the Standard Model. Even though this model is well established and consistent with many measurements, it is not capable to solely explain some observations. Many extensions addressing this fact introduce additional Higgs-like bosons which can be either neutral, singly-charged or even...
Many theories beyond the Standard Model (BSM) predict new phenomena accessible by the LHC. The presence of a non-baryonic dark matter (DM) component in the Universe is inferred from the observation of its gravitational interaction. If dark matter interacts weakly with the Standard Model (SM) it could be produced at the LHC, escaping the detector and leaving a large missing transverse momentum...
Supersymmetry (SUSY) provides elegant solutions to several problems in the Standard Model, and searches for SUSY particles are an important component of the LHC physics program. This talk will present the latest results from searches conducted by the ATLAS experiment, covering both strong and electroweak SUSY particle production processes. The searches target multiple final states and...
Prospects for measurements of axion-like particles (ALPs) produced via photon-photon fusion in e+e- collisions at the FCC-ee will be presented. Competitive exclusion limits, better by up to a factor of 10 compared to the best achievable bounds expected at any other facility before FCC-ee, can be reached in various regions of ALP mass versus ALP-photon coupling. FCC-ee detector considerations...
The study of the production of vector bosons and jets constitutes an excellent testbench to check numerous predictions. Total and differential cross sections of vector bosons produced inclusively and in association with jets have been studied in pp collisions at 13 TeV center-of-mass energies. Differential distributions as a function of a broad range of kinematical observables are measured and...
With the standard model working well in describing the collider data, the focus is now on determining the standard model parameters as well as for any hint of deviation. In particular, the determination of the couplings of the Higgs boson with itself and with other particles of the model is important to better understand the electroweak symmetry breaking sector of the model. In this letter, we...