July 31, 2023 to August 4, 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Towards charm physics with stabilised Wilson Fermions

Aug 3, 2023, 5:00 PM
Hornets' Nest (WH8X)

Hornets' Nest



Justus Kuhlmann (University of Münster)


We report on first computations of hadron masses and matrix elements with
charm quarks in O$(a)$ improved (2+1)-flavour lattice QCD in the framework of
stabilised Wilson Fermions.
Employing SU(3)-flavour-symmetric gauge field ensembles from the OpenLAT initiative, we study two strategies how to fix the physical charm quark mass.
In a first approach, we follow the standard procedure by matching to a physical meson mass such as the D-meson mass. In our new approach we implement a massive
renormalisation scheme that is designed to reduce mass-dependent cutoff
effects. The latter requires the determination of certain
improvement coefficients and renormalisation constants around the heavy
quark mass scale which is also discussed in this contribution.

Topical area Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics

Primary authors

Dr Fabian Joswig (University of Edinburgh) Prof. Jochen Heitger (University of Münster) Justus Kuhlmann (University of Münster) Dr Patrick Fritzsch (Trinity College Dublin)

Presentation materials