Speaker: Prof. Robert Shrock
Institution: Stony Brook University
Title: Higher-Order Calculations of Anomalous Dimensions at
Infrared Fixed Points in Gauge Theories and Studies of Renormalization-Group
Behavior of Some Scalar Field Theories
We discuss higher-order calculations of anomalous dimensions of
operators at an infrared fixed point in asymptotically free gauge
theories with various fermion contents and compare with recent results
from lattice simulations. This work is in collaboration with
T. Ryttov. If time permits, we will also report on higher-order
studies of the beta functions in O(N) $\phi^4_4$ and $\phi^6_3$
theories [R. Shrock, PRD 107, 056018 (2023); PRD 107, 096009 (2023)].
Topical area | Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model |